Management Development
and Skills Workshops
For Your Team, Middle Managers, New Managers,
Young Professionals, Trainees and Graduates
For Your Team
Who in your team needs to enhance their essential ‘people’ or ‘soft’ skills? Or their day-to-day people and performance management capability?
These skills are key in building stronger, closer relationships with colleagues and clients – so that you win more new business and you keep the clients you have.
This is how I can help, whether you're looking for one-off workshops or, for greater effect, ongoing programmes.
Would you like to host seminars for your clients too, providing Added Value is always welcome, isn't it?
Young Professionals and
New Managers
Having spent 15 years in a young professionals network, with various leadership roles, I understand their challenges and opportunities.
This might be graduates or new managers, not just those 'young' by age.
I’ve spent a number of years training young professionals, so can run skills development workshops for your future stars too… in particular there's the Rising Stars Programme.
Maybe you are a Young Professional yourself? Download this free report - it will help build your career success.
Management Development
Management and Leadership of your team can be a real challenge - and a real joy.
In discussion we can, together, build a programme or a workshop to give you and your Managers the skills and the confidence to successfully lead and motivate their team.
If you get the basics right - direction, communication, clarity - then the performance comes so much more easily.
Management is not all about telling people what to do. It's helping them overcome the challenges they face in doing a good job - with colleagues and for customers.
We need to be able to give constructive feedback, deal with conflict and still get the work done!
It means listening too. A lot. One of the most empowering and motivating skills - and it is a skill - is listening to your team. Properly listening. It can make all the difference in building relationships, engagement and success.
Skills Workshops
3 Primary Skills
For those in need of the basics first, the following topic areas can be a one-off workshop or, for greater effect, extended over a period - perhaps in combination with other topics into a bespoke programme.
Confidence and Personal Impact
Speaking and Presentation Skills
Communication, Conflict and Influence
Again, we can, of course, modify the specific content and duration to create bespoke programmes.
Or check out my other training websites for more (Links open in new windows)
ScottJohnston.net: focusing on your personal Presence and other associated skills such as Negotiating, Conflict and Thinking On Your Feet.
"Impressed with the flair and professionalism with which you delivered the training"
"Many thanks for your help in delivering the Management Development Programme, which was vital in our recent history as an organisation.
We were all impressed with the flair and professionalism with which you delivered the training. It is especially difficult to train lawyers (as you well know) - especially if they are in argumentative mood(!).
The MDP has been well received and worth the investment. We will try to maintain the standards and approach you have introduced."
Learning and Development - Lead
within a branch of Civil Service